short interview by Futatsugi/G.A.T.E.S
日本のアンダーグラウンドHEAVY METAL界の中でもN.W.O.B.H.M.に固執した姿勢(即ちサウンドなど全て)を90年代初期METAL低迷期から発信し始めているが存在が極右に位置していて恐らく大多数の日本のHEAVY METALファンは知らないであろう、このMAGNESIUM。 だが、それで良いのである。なぜならば、本当にマグネを理解するならば忽ち寿命が減り、音楽の楽しみもなくなるからだ。正に地獄だ!!LEAVE ME IN HELL。只、アンダーグラウンドメタル地獄に陥りたいのなら絶対に聞かねばならんのだ!!80年代は三重のSABBATメンバーであり、その後、東京SACRIFICEに加入、現在はG.A.T.E.Sのメンバーでもある Mr.MAGNESIUM、SAMMことSHINJIにDEMO/LIVE CD発売記念ショートインタビューを決行。
In Japan, they are the most faithful to N.W.O.B.H.M....its music, its style, and everything. They have put out their voice since early 90’s, the depression period of heavy metal scene. Unfortunately they have been on the furthest edge of the scene, so most of Heavy Metal fans in Japan hardly recognize them. That's o.k. for Magnesium. Why? If you truly understood what they are, you would lose years off your life to enjoy music. That’s hell! Leave me in hell. You should listen to MAGNESIUM if you love to give yourself over underground Heavy Metal hell!
Played for SABBAT (from Mie) in 1980's then joined SACRIFICE (from Tokyo), now playing for G.A.T.E.S, Mr.MAGNESIUM, Shinji a.k.a. Samm, gave us some words about MAGNESIUM demo/live CD.
Q : SABBAT, SACRIFICEと経て最終的になぜN.W.O.B.H.Mサウンドに行き着いたのですか?ルーツ回帰?
SAMM : SABBATで速さに疲れて、SACRIFICEで重さに疲れて・・・戻れる場所は俺のMetalの原点であるNWOBHMしか無かったんや・・・けど、また速いのやりたくなりG.A.T.E.Sへ・・・。そし て・・・。
Q : You played for SABBAT, SACRIFICE and now you play NWOBHM sound. What made you so? Just return to your origin?
SAMM : I was exhausted the speed of SABBAT, then the heaviness of SACRIFICE... the last place I could go back was NWOBHM which is the starting point of my metal career. Then I wanted to play faster music again...G.A.T.E.S... then...
Q : この音源についての解説をお願いします。
SAMM : デモは'94年にリリースした時の赤ジャケ・バージョン(プロモオンリー)で、販売用より1曲多い物。マグネレディとタイムは、販売してない完全プロモ・オンリー・デモから。で、大目玉(笑)のLIVE。何故このメンツでやったのか全く記憶に無いが、俺がGORGONをバックにマグネを歌うというアホ企画!これが実に素晴らしい!(笑)歌はともかく、GORGONの神髄がここに有る!解るかね?彼らは究極のNWOBHMコピー・バンドやな!GORGON信者よ、これを聴いてちょっとでも一瞬でも?が湧いて出たら、二度とゴルゴン・ファンを公言したらあかん! Killing Machine VocalやFeather Touch Frying Guitar に涙することは許されん!因みにこの時の映像も残ってるでぇ!
Q : Please give me some explanation of MAGNESIUM Demo / Live CD.
SAMM : Demo tracks are taken from the promo only version of the tape released in 1994, which was in the red sleeve and one song extra compared to the normal version. Both "Magnesium Lady" and "Time Tell No Lies" are taken from promo only demo which was never sold to anyone. Then the special feature live tracks! They are the special favor of the CD. I can't remember why I played with that line-up. It was a joking project, GORGON played MAGNESIUM songs. And I sang on it! It was hilarious!! You can touch the evil heart of GORGON! You know what I mean ? GORGON is the ultimate copycat of NWOBHM! Hey, GORGON devotees! If you have any doubt at all when you listen to the CD, you will never allowed to call yourself a devotee of GORGON!, never allowed to shed tears for Killing Machine Vocals or Feather Touch Frying Guitars ! I still have videos of this show, anyway.
Q : 現在はワンマン・バンドですが、この音源はバンド形態(正式メンバー)で録音されていますよね?バンド形態とワンマン・バンドの違いはなんでしょうか?そして今何故、ワンマン・バンドでいるのでしょうか?
SAMM : 全ては俺の性格に問題が・・・(笑)。バンドっていうのは基本的に、例えば5人メンバーが居ればその個々の個性が一つになっ て発信されるから、一個の音を聞いても色々な観点を感じ取れるやん? 今回収録のデモなんかは、デモながらにバンドとしてのマグネ初 期の集大成ともいえる。ワンマンでいるっていうのは、わかりやすく言えば、全てに共通している何処をどう切っても一つの自分でしか ないサウンドを志せるってことなんよ。理想は自分が5人居ればええってことかな。だから本当に自分の頭や心を音に通わせられる人物が いてメンバーをやって貰えるなら、ワンマンでいる必要はないわな。このデモの後にリリースした7"は、メンバー二人になって録ったも のやし、今回のデモとは同じマグネであっても全く違うものやな。
Q : MAGNESIUM is now your one-man army but the tracks on the CD were recorded as a band. What is the difference of two for you? Why you have decided to do MAGNESIUM alone?
SAMM : Just because of my character, haha. Basically a band consists of some members and characters of each members are mixed. So you can hear different elements from the band sound, right? Demo tracks on the CD is something like a compilation of early MAGNESIUM, which is a band MAGNESIUM. And now one-man MAGNESIUM, it is just whole of myself. As a one-man band, I can pursue pure sound without any other different elements. You can hear what I am from even a small part of it. Wish I had 5 different bodies, then I could form a 5 piece band. If I found right people who understand my thought, my sound and everything then put out right music, I would form a band with them. No reason to be a one-man band. The 7" which I put out after that demo, was recorded by me and other person. That was also MAGNESIUM but totally different from what MAGNESIUM is on this CD.
Q : あなたにとってN.W.O.B.H.M.とは?
SAMM : 俺が創り出す全ての物の基準になるものかな。単にNWOBHMとは?なら、流行り物好きの英国人がたまたま遺した幻想やろな。これぞNWOBHMってのが有りそうで無いし・・・誰も正確に答えられんと思う・・・。ANGEL WITCHはNWOBHM期のバンドやけど、ANGEL WITCHであってNWOBHMではないし、暗く湿った垢抜けない感じとか言い方はあるが、あの時代以降のバンドで的確に再現出来てるバンドを知らん・・・。MAGNESIUMの最終目標は、V.A. "Pure Overkill"のB面の3曲目に収録されてても全く違和感のない曲を創ることかな!
Q : What is N.W.O.B.H.M for you?
SAMM : The standards of what I create. If you asked what NWOBHM is, I would say an illusion which the fashion following British people left behind by chance. There is no ultimate sample of NWOBHM...guess nobody can explain what it is properly... ANGEL WITCH was active in NWOBHM era but they are just ANGEL WITCH, not NWOBHM. Some would say it is dark, gloomy, damp and unpolished, other would say something different. I don't know any band which is formed after that period and replicate it properly... The ultimate goal of MAGNESIUM is writing the right song which would perfectly fit on the third track of side B of "Pure Overkill" comp.!
Q : あなたのとってHEAVYMETALとは?
SAMM :う〜ん・・・・・・ウンコやな!(笑)子供の頃、道端にウンコ落ちてたら「わぁウンコやぁぁぁ」って笑いながら叫んだやん?その、その感覚やね!普通の人からは汚い臭いって嫌われるが、ハマってしまうと抜けられんのだわ! 聴くのはMetalだけやないけど、創りたいのはMetalだけなんよ。色んな物食べて消化して出す!つまりは ウンコ!やねん! そうやねん!わかるかね?!それやねん!つまりは死ぬまで俺はMetalを創り続けるしかない!って事なんや・・・。
Q : What is HEAVY METAL for you?
SAMM : Urgh...SHIT! ha! Remember your childhood, when you saw dog shit on the street, you laughed and screamed "Oh, there's shit!", didn't you? It's just the same feelings. Ordinary people try to keep themselves away from it because it's dirty and smelly. But once you are fascinated, you will never forget it! I listen to different music but what I put out is only Heavy Metal. Eat, digest, and then put out! That is SHIT, right? That is Heavy Metal for me. You know what I mean? That is endless life cycle and I can't stop putting out Heavy Metal till death!
いやー多少音を出していないと何言っているのかわからない部分もあるかも知れませんが、 MAGNESIUMが100%HEAVYMETALで有りながらも一筋縄ではいかないサウンドであると言うことが伺えると思います。此処で個人的な意見を言わせて貰えればMAGNESIUMはその他バンドとは一線を画す、、魂の入り具合が違うんです。とりあえず、YOUTUBEで視聴して来ても良いと思いますよ。焦らず、じっくり行きましょう。
May be it is difficult to understand whole of his words without listening to MAGNESIUM. But you can guess MAGNESIUM is 100% Heavy Metal and not mediocre. In my opinion, MAGNESIUM is different...the way putting the spirit into music is different. You can check them out on YouTube. No hurry. Take your time and experience what they are carefully.
(interview & text by Futatsugi/G.A.T.E.S)